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Talks & Book Signings

PLEASE NOTE: In order to preserve strength and have more time for other pursuits, including writing more books, Pat Welsh will schedule talks during two months of the year only: March and September. Exceptions to this rule are existing dates already scheduled; Master Gardener Seminars, since they cannot always be scheduled during these months; and outdoor talks that were rained out and need to be rescheduled.

Books available for sale and signing:

  1. “Pat Welsh’s Southern California Organic Gardening, Month-by-Month”, Chronicle Books; 2010
  2. “The Magic Mural and How It Got Built: A Fable for Children of All Ages”, Friends of the Del Mar Library; 2005
  3. “All My Edens: A Gardener’s Memoir”: Chronicle Books; 1996 (Out of print but Pat usually has a few copies.)
