Soil for Raised Vegetable Garden
Question from Debbie:
I just moved into Temecula and I need to bring in truckload of dirt to begin 3 large vegetable beds next week. Is there any particular type of soil to ask for and do you know where to purchase this in that area?
Answer from Pat:
Look online for a company selling topsoil in your area and ask for good quality amended top soil for filling raised beds.
Three Steps to Organic Gardening:
1) Create a habitat for microorganisms- Amend native soil (or topsoil) with compost and worm-castings. Also use (if available) bio-char, mulch, and worms.
2) Feed the microbes that feed your plants- Organic fertilizers like guanos, chicken manure, bone meal, minerals (rock dust). Fish hydrolysate (vs emulsion), kelp, molasses.
3) Maintain soil health. Use compost-tea/compost extract at least 3 times a growing season. Fertilize with organic fertilizers as needed.
Thanks for your good comment. Bio-char should not be used in western or alkaline soils but perhaps in a raised bed situation it might be okay.