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Tips And Hints For Growing Easy-Care Warm-Season Crops

Planting months: April, May, June Spacing: Put plants 12 inches apart Special Tips: Spray with 1 Tablespoon of Epsom salts when flowers appear.

Harvesting: green or allow to go red. Recommended Varieties: Anaheim, California Wonder, Chocolate Beauty, Golden Bell, Purple Beauty, Ancho, Early Jalapeno, Fajita Bell.

Step-By-Step Method For Growing Great Organic Vegetables By Pat Welsh Author Of : Pat Welsh’s Southern California Organic Gardening, Month By Month.

NOTE: If you are growing vegetables year-round there will be some carry over of cool-season crops into warm weather, for example artichokes, which can be put in from transplants in March and harvested in June, or globe onions, which are planted from seeds in November and harvested in late May or June, and strawberries which are also planted in November and harvested throughout spring into early summer.

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