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Cassia Leptophylla (gold medallion tree)

Question from Frank:
Thinking about this tree in Solana Beach, CA – about 4 blocks from the ocean – will get full sun and full exposure to ocean breezes.  Will it work okay?

Answer from Pat:
Gold medallion tree (Cassia leptophylla) grows and blooms well in many places that are only four blocks distant from the ocean. It needs full sun and well-
drained soil. Reflected heat from pavement, such would be provided if you planted it in a sunny patio or next to an unshaded asphalt street, would be a plus
but these conditions are not absolutely necessary. The cold breeze is a negative factor but the distance of four blocks from the ocean should mitigate the salt air satisfactorily. I would go ahead and plant this tree if I were you. Other flowering trees that bloom well close to the ocean are flame eucalyptus (Eucaylptus ficifolia), New Zealand Christmas tree (Metrosideros excelsa), pink melaleuca (Melaleuca nesophila), and naked coral tree (Erythrina coralloides). One tree NEVER to plant in an ocean breeze is jacaranda (Jacaranda mimosifolia). Jacarandas planted in cold, windy spots bloom seldom, sparsely, or never.


  1. Where are you located? Can I purchase a cassia (gold medallion at your garden site?

    • I am sorry but I do not run a nursery. Neither do I sell nursery plants on this blog. Most nurseries in Southern California, Hawaii and Florida either carry gold medallion tree (Cassia leptophylla) or can order it for you. It is a subtropical tree and cannot survive in a cold-winter climate.

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