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Gardening Tip – Page 2

How to Do a Stawberry Test

Question from Bonnie: I heard you say in a speaking engagement that the “Chandler” strawberry is your favorite. Is this correct? I really like Chandler strawberries, too. I decided to plant four types, and compare them. Chandler is hard to find sometimes, but I got some plants this spring. Answer from Pat: Yes Chandler is […]

Romancing the Garden: A philosophy of gardening Pt 3

The next step is: How do you carry it out? Mine in a nutshell is: “Create a romantic garden and then live in it.” A Paradise Garden The Garden of Eden Dictionary definition of romance: “Imagination, love, idealization, wafting one to another time or place excitement, love, and adventure of the kind found in romantic literature. […]


Question from Trinidad: Where can I purchase this product? Nobody seems to know about it. I live and work in Encinitas, CA. Places I have checked are Grangettos, Home Depot, Hydroscape… Please help. Answer from Pat: Terr-O-Vite is no longer available. It has not been made for at least fifteen years. I mentioned this product […]

Princess Plants (Tibouchina heteromalla and Tibouchina urvilleana.)

Question from Shannon: I have two sickly Princess Plants (Tibouchina heteromalla) that I planted about 3 months ago. I had had one at the beach (in Playa del Rey CA) that was as big as a house, hearty, and virtually care-free. The ones in question are planted further inland, in Culver City, where the air […]

Granulated Sulfur

Question from Robin: Hi. I have a problem and I need some advice. I spread granulated sulfur on the top of heavy clay soil. Hindsight shows me this is not optimum, and I would like your opinion on my options. I want to establish vegetables on the site. And I had wanted to do it […]

Corn Meal Gluten

Question from Robin: Reading in your book about Organic Corn Meal Gluten for pre-emergence of lawn weeds but where do I find that in our area. Also read where you have to find a reliable source as there is an increase in sound-a-likes. Much appreciated, Robin C Answer from Pat: Corn Gluten Meal works well […]

Peach Tree Problems and Solutions: Pruning, Fertilizer, and Dormant Spray

Question from Michael: My peach trees are about 7 yrs old and I have never trimmed them because I do not know how. I live in Illinois . About 4 yrs ago I had a good yeild of peaches and i canned them. Every year after when I get peaches, they seem to be drying […]

Orb-spinning Garden Spiders

Question from Carol: I’m trying to find a source for live orb-spinners for my organic garden. My neighbors all spray poisons and pesticides but my whole yard is poison/spray-free. Is there a way to visit someone who can let me capture a spider or two to bring home with me? My area is pretty overgrown […]


Question from Jeff: I recently bought your So Cal Organic Gardening book and like it very much.  Helped me right away on winter time sweet peas, and made me feel better about poinsettias.  That is, I have been trying to grow poinsettias for the past decade, bought from nurseries, promised they can “grow” outside.  Yet […]

Making Garden Steps From Bags of Concrete

Question from Arlene: I need to make about 4 steps to go up a small incline to get to my fruit tree…I remember you telling about an easy way to make steps using cement bags….do you have those instructions??? I am also thinking of having someone help me install a small 5-6 foot curved path […]