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Citrus & Fruit Trees – Page 5

Citrus and Coffee Trees as Houseplants

Question from Bob: My grapefruit tree never bore fruit (I think there was something about the way commercial grapefruits are produced), but it had tough, firm, deeply green lustrous leaves that gave off the scent of citrus when rubbed, and it grew to be 5′ high I kept it in a pot indoors. I also […]

Sharwil Avocado

Question from Robert: I lived in Hawaii and could buy the amazing “Sharwil” avocado there, on Oahu at the local Manoa farmers market, grown by the vendors cousin on the Big Island. Just the fruit this year. A case or more if there is a nice price break. This is the ripe season, yes? For […]

Navel Oranges Splitting Open

Question from Jon: I trust you are enjoying your Sunday and rooting for the Chargers. I noticed today that some (or most) of my naval oranges have split on the bottom. Can you tell me what you think might be causing this? There is some white “fuzz” which might be aphids. Can aphids cause this […]

Fruit Tree Nutrients

Question from Tom: I have planted many varieties of citrus and stone fruits in my yard within the last year. They are all low chill selections and should do well in the Rancho Bernardo area of San Diego where I live. I am comfortable with pruning and watering the trees. What nutrients my trees need […]

Purchasing a grafted Avocado Tree from Nursery

Question from Alyssa: I am interested in purchasing an avocado tree for my father as well as one for myself.  He lives near the Sacramento region. I am having issues finding the right place to find one that is an A and B already grafted together. I see that they Hass and Fuerte are great […]

Container Lemon Tree

Question from Diane: I’m hoping you can help me with my container lemon tree. I have a 2 year old lemon tree that I transplanted from a 14” to an 18” pot in early January. It lost many of it’s leaves. I fed it at the end of January, and it has put out lots […]

Grapefruit Tree

Question from Debbie: I also have a large grapefruit tree. When should I prune this tree ? How often and when should I fertilize? Answer from Pat: Citrus need little pruning, other than keeping the foliage off the ground. Fertilize citrus trees in January. For details, see “Pat Welsh’s Southern California Gardening, Month by Month”, […]

Fig Trees

Question from Debbie: I purchased a home this year which has a few very large ignored fig trees (12 feet or so). I am not sure which variety they are. The figs appeared to stay greenish color, not turning to brown as my other little ones which produce so well. The trees fruit was all […]

Lemon Tree in Orange

Question from Debbie: Hello, we have a lemon tree which is about 5-8 years old and I keep finding lemons on the ground which have a large brown softish spot on the end. What is this from and what should I do? Answer from Pat: Brown rot on citrus is caused by a Phytophthera fungus. […]

Peach Trees

Question from Dan I live in Massachusetts.I recently pruned my two 11year old trees because they were getting way to big. I topped them at about 6 feet. my mother in law fears that I may have ruined them. they have plenty of new growth on them. I read your comment to a reader about […]