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Tips And Hints For Growing Easy-Care Warm-Season Crops

Planting months: Year-round crop Spacing: sow seeds, then thin to 1 to 2 inches apart, rows 14 inches apart. Special Tips: (P. 265 and p. 264 in my book). Fine soil is best. Amend soil well, but too much nitrogen can cause forking. In heavier soil, grow short varieties. No manure! Causes forking. Grow in deep soil. Trick for growing straight carrots: Tricks forgermination: Boiling water down row. Or, presprout: paper plate, peat moss, freezer, overnight bottom heat, sprout and plant, cover lightly and keep damp. Seed sprouts two weeks early. Prevent green shoulders by mulching row.

Harvesting:65 -70 days Recommended Varieties: Short varieties: Nantes, Chantenay or miniature types.

Step-By-Step Method For Growing Great Organic Vegetables By Pat Welsh Author Of : Pat Welsh’s Southern California Organic Gardening, Month By Month.

NOTE: If you are growing vegetables year-round there will be some carry over of cool-season crops into warm weather, for example artichokes, which can be put in from transplants in March and harvested in June, or globe onions, which are planted from seeds in November and harvested in late May or June, and strawberries which are also planted in November and harvested throughout spring into early summer.

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